yi is pretty heavy, as these things go. So it's not too surprising that
it's taking a while.

GHC does try to recompile as little as possible...but "as little as
possible" can be quite a lot. Inlining, and other optimizations GHC
performs, makes the recompilation checker's job tricky; see [1]. Generally
if you change a file you'll need to recompile its dependencies, and *their*
dependencies, and so on.

If you're coding along and just need a typecheck, ghci is your friend.
Specifically, the :reload command tends to be fast. (You'll need to :load
yourFile.hs the first time, of course.)

You might also see if yi's  -fhacking flag is helpful. It looks like it
might be relevant, though I don't know either yi or your use case well
enough to say for sure.

General advice on speeding compilation is here: [2]. Most of it isn't all
that relevant to you at the moment, since you're hacking on someone else's
package. But always good to know.

Best of luck,


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