On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 10:07 AM, JP Moresmau <jpmores...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Johan, thanks, that brings me to a point that I wanted to raise. I'm
> playing with cabal-dev because users have asked me to add support for it in
> EclipseFP (so projects could have their own sandbox and have dependencies
> between projects without polluting the main package databases). It is worth
> it, or should I just wait for cabal 1.18 and use the sandboxing facility?
> Or will the two work similarly enough that supporting both will be easy?
> Does the sandboxing in cabal means that tools like cabal-dev are going to
> get deprecated?

I think they will be similar enough that you could easily port the code.
The new cabal sandboxing will work as follows:

cabal sandbox --init
cabal add-source <dir>

and then you use cabal commands like normal (e.g. configure, build, test).
No installing necessary.

I cannot speak for the cabal-dev developers. We do intend to support a
superset of the cabal-dev functionality eventually. What we're missing now
is ghci support.
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