
 I wonder whether anybody could advise me how to pass
correctly RTS options to ghc? I've tried

 ghc +RTS -K4M --RTS -O program.hs -o aO.out
 ghc +RTS -K4M -RTS -O program.hs -o aO.out
 ghc -O program.hs -o aO.out +RTS -K4M
 ghc -O program.hs +RTS -K4M --RTS -o aO.out

and many others, with other sizes (10M, 12M), but program
always(!) stops with:

Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
Use `+RTS -Ksize' to increase it.

Even time of execution is always the same and thus the
RTS option on stack size is ignored.

What can I do so that the option IS taken into account?
My GHC version says:
ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.4.1

 Thanks & regards


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