Have you tried running ghci inside Emacs?

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21.02.2013, в 13:58, Semyon Kholodnov <joker...@gmail.com> написал(а):

> Imagine we have this simple program:
> module Main(main) where
> main = do
>    x <- getLine
>    putStrLn x
> Now I want to run it somehow, enter "résumé 履歴書 резюме" and see this
> string printed back as "résumé 履歴書 резюме". Now, the first problem is
> that my computer runs Windows, which means that I can't use ghci
> ":main" or result of "ghc main.hs" to enter such an outrageous string
> — Windows console is locked to one specific local code page, and no
> codepage contains Latin-1, Cyrillic and Kanji symbols at the same
> time.
> But there is also WinGHCi. So I do ":main", copy-paste this string
> into the window (It works! Because Windows has Unicode for 20 years
> now), but the output is all messed up. In a rather curious way,
> actually: the input string is converted to UTF-8 byte string, and its
> bytes are treated as being characters from my local code page.
> So, it appears that I have no way to enter Unicode strings into my
> Haskell programs by hands, I should read them from files. That's sad,
> and I refuse to think I am the first one with such a problem, so I
> assume there is a solution/workaround. Now would someone please tell
> me this solution? Except from "Just stick to 127 letters of ASCII", of
> course.
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