Do you mean that the proposal itself won't work, or specifically implementing 
this features in terms of existing rewrite rules won't work?

I meant the latter.

I'll admit to ignorance on the internals of GHC, but it seems like doing the 
shallow source location approach would be far simpler than a full trace. I'd 
hate to lose a very valuable feature because we can't implement the perfect 

I agree with that sentiment. But in fact I suspect that getting a stack is 
little or no harder than the shallow thing.

My "implicit parameter" suggestion was trying to re-use an existing feature, 
with a small twist, to do what you want, rather than to implement something 
brand new.


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Michael Snoyman
Sent: 25 February 2013 18:19
To: Simon Peyton-Jones
Cc: Alexander Kjeldaas; Simon Hengel; Haskell Cafe
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones 
<<>> wrote:
I'm afraid the rewrite-rule idea won't work.  RULES are applied during 
optimisation, when tons of inlining has happened and the program has been 
shaken around a lot. No reliable source location information is available there.

Do you mean that the proposal itself won't work, or specifically implementing 
this features in terms of existing rewrite rules won't work?

See; and please edit 

One thing I'd disagree with on that page is point (3). While it's certainly 
nice to have a full stack trace, implementing just shallow call information is 
incredibly useful. For logging and test framework usages, it in fact completely 
covers the use case. And even for debugging, I think it would be a massive step 
in the right direction.

I'll admit to ignorance on the internals of GHC, but it seems like doing the 
shallow source location approach would be far simpler than a full trace. I'd 
hate to lose a very valuable feature because we can't implement the perfect 

One idea I had, which that page does not yet describe, is to have an implicit 
something like ?loc::Location, with
          errLoc :: ?loc:Location => String -> a
          errLoc s = error ("At " ++ ?loc ++ "\n" ++ s)

This behave exactly like an ordinary implicit parameter, EXCEPT that if there 
is no binding for ?loc::Location, then the current location is used.  Thus

myErr :: ?loc:Location => Int -> a
myErr n = errLoc (show n)

foo :: Int -> int
foo n | n<0 = myErr n
        | otherwise = ...whatever...

When typechecking 'foo' we need ?loc:Location, and so the magic is that we use 
the location of the call of myErr in foo.


 On Behalf Of Alexander Kjeldaas
Sent: 25 February 2013 12:16
To: Simon Hengel
Cc: Haskell Cafe
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Simon Hengel 
<<>> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 10:40:29AM +0100, Twan van Laarhoven wrote:
> I think there is no need to have a separate REWRITE_WITH_LOCATION
> rule. What if the compiler instead rewrites 'currentLocation' to the
> current location? Then you'd just define the rule:
> {-# REWRITE "errorLoc" error = errorLoc currentLocation #-}
REWRITE rules are only enabled with -O.  Source locations are also
useful during development (when you care more about compilation time
than efficient code and hence use -O0).  So I'm not sure whether it's a
good idea to lump those two things together.

I could imagine that source locations being useful when debugging rewrite rules 
for example.

I think your argument makes sense, but why not fix that specifically?

{-# REWRITE ALWAYS "errorLoc" error = errorLoc currentLocation #-}


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