Since a heading always starts with a new line (and ends with a colon
followed by a carriage return or just a colon?), I think it might be
useful to first separate the input into lines and then classify them
depending on whether it's a heading or not and reassemble them into the
value you need. You don't even need parsec for that.
However, if you really want to use parsec, you can write something like
(warning, not tested):
many $ liftM2 Section headline content
where headline = anyChar `manyTill` (char ':' >> spaces >> newline)
content = anyChar `manyTill` (try $ newline >> headline)
On 3/3/2013 10:44 AM, Immanuel Normann wrote:
I am trying to parse a semi structured text with parsec that basically
should identify sections. Each section starts with a headline and has
an unstructured content - that's all. For instance, consider the
following example text (inside the dashed lines):
top 1:
some text ... bla
top 2:
more text ... bla bla
This should be parsed into a structure like this:
[Section (Top 1) (Content "some text ... bla"), Section (Top 1)
(Content "more text ... bla")]
Say, I have a parser "headline", but the content after a headline
could be anything that is different from what "headline" parses.
How could the "section" parser making use of "headline" look like?
My idea would be to use the "manyTill" combinator, but I don"t find an
easy solution.
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