Peter Althainz <> wrote:

> you are right all libraries could be compiled at least on Linux
> (maybe even Mac OS) and the bindings could be too. I simply have no
> time currently to mainain another platform. I started on Windows,
> because I like it and I thought its the platform with the most
> gamers. I got in troubles with the linux toolchain on Windows (gcc
> with Mingw) for Ogre and switched to the MSVC based Ogre libraries,
> not considering that possibly the Ogre Linux libraries directly on
> Linux might work well. If there is time or sombody volunteers a Linux
> version can be built, I'm quite sure.

Haskell is very good at writing portable code, but there are some things
to keep in mind:

  * Use System.FilePath instead of string operations,
  * use a portable media library like SDL,
  * when using System.IO or Control.Concurrent modules, pay attention to
    the Haddock documentation.

That should make your library portable enabling you to reach a much
larger portion of the Haskell community.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

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