Hi Heinrich:

Its simply the types are more cumbersome, now. In netwire you basically have one type, which is "Wire ...." with some type parameters (underlying monad, inhibition type, in-type, out-type), When underlying monad and inhibition type is choosen, you can define a type synonym and all boils done to "GameWire a b" in all types, events (GameWire a a), behaviours (GameWire a b), what you want. Signal inhibition makes Events and Behviours looks equal. Also the overall network has this type. And by the way, no generalized datatypes (forall t. ....), which I'm also not too comfortable with.

In reactive banana we have considerably more types then in netwire:

- One tpye for Behaviours

- One type for Events

- sinks in addition: sinkoutput[text:==showNumber<$>result]- what is that? (I know it has something to do with feedback loops)

- scary type for the network description: "forallt.Frameworkst=>Momentt()"

best regards Peter

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