On 4 April 2013 20:49, Johan Tibell <johan.tib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Haddock's current markup language leaves something to be desired once
> you want to write more serious documentation (e.g. several paragraphs
> of introductory text at the top of the module doc). Several features
> are lacking (bold text, links that render as text instead of URLs,
> inline HTML).
> I suggest that we implement an alternative haddock syntax that's a
> superset of Markdown. It's a superset in the sense that we still want
> to support linkifying Haskell identifiers, etc. Modules that want to
> use the new syntax (which will probably be incompatible with the
> current syntax) can set:
If we are going to change haddock syntax we should add ability to add
math formulae to documentation. It's not currently possible and it makes
documenting numeric code properly difficult.

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