There is no fundamental problem with non-linear patterns
using ==.  (The functional logic programming world long
ago generalised the idea of unification to 'narrowing'.)

There _is_ a technical problem in Haskell about whether
the == here is necessarily the one from the Prelude or
whether it might be a different == that is in scope:
what would

    import Prelude hiding (Eq)
    x == y = x < y

    member x (x:_ ) = True
    member x (_:ys) = member x ys
    member _ []     = False

mean?  What, if anything, would it mean when no == is in

This is something that could be sorted out with good will.
For example, you could say that it is a compile-time error
if this notation is used and Prelude.== is not in scope.
But since guards make the linear pattern restriction less
poctalgic than it is in say ML, people have found other
maddened grizzly bears to stun first.

We had similar questions about n+k patterns, a feature
that I still love.

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