Wren Thornton wrote:
> So I'm processing a large XML file which is a database of about 170k
> entries, each of which is a reasonable enough size on its own, and I only
> need streaming access to the database (basically printing out summary data
> for each entry). Excellent, sounds like a job for SAX.

Indeed a good job for a SAX-like parser. XMLIter is exactly such
parser, and it generates event stream quite like that of Expat. Also
you application is somewhat similar to the following

So, it superficially seems XMLIter should be up for the task. Can you
explain which elements your are counting? BTW, xml_enum already checks
for the well-formedness of XML (including the start-end tag
balance, and many more criteria). One can assume that the XMLStream
corresponds to the well-formed document and only count the desired
start tags (or end tags, for that matter).

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