
Records in Haskell are somewhat of a contentious issue and many
proposals have been put forth to address the shortcomings of the current
record system [1].  Below, I introduce a small library relying on
several GHC extensions, crucially Implicit Parameters and Constraint
Kinds, which implements an extensible record system.  While by no means
production-ready, it is remarkably close to how I think an extensible
record system should function.

Record access is very convenient (reminiscent of Pascal's with
statement), while record update is somewhat cumbersome (but could
potentially be improved using Template Haskell).

Two caveats:

* Type inference for records does not work, so type signatures have to
  be provided.

* When more than one binding for an implicit parameter is in scope, it
  is not always clear which one takes precedence.  However, I think it
  is safe to assume that if the innermost binding is a let/where
  binding, it will carry the day.  In all other cases, it is probably
  safest to rely on explicit type signatures to resolve the ambiguity.

> {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

The record type is simply the dictionary type, which is more commonly
used to reify type class dictionaries.  Here, we use it to record a
number of implicit parameter bindings, i.e. if implicit parameters of
types `fields' are in scope, then the data constructor `Rec' will create
a dictionary from them, provided an appropriate type signature is given.

> data Record fields where
>   Rec :: fields => Record fields

The `?' operator will bring the implicit parameter bindings previously
captured by `Rec' into scope.

> infixr 1 ?
> (?) :: Record fields -> (fields => r) -> r
> Rec ? e = e

This is the complete library.  Examples follow below.

Type synonyms to replace the awkward syntax for implicit parameter

> type X a = ?x::a
> type Y a = ?y::a
> type Z a = ?z::a

As a first example, construct a record with fields ?x and ?y, both of
type Int.

> xy :: Record (X Int, Y Int)
> xy = let ?x = 1; ?y = 2 in Rec

To access the fields of the record, we can use the `?' operator.
Expressions involving any of the fields can appear to the right of the
* xy ? ?x ==> 1
* xy ? ?x + ?y ==> 3

The next example illustrates record update

> xy' :: Record (X Int, Y Int)
> xy' = xy ? let ?y = -2 in Rec

* xy' ? ?y ==> -2

Type signatures are required, but can be placed directly after `Rec'.

> xz = let ?x = -1; ?z = 3 in Rec :: Record (X Int, Z Int)

Record Restriction

> y :: Record (Y Int)
> y = xy ? Rec

We can combine records as follows, but the result may be implementation-
dependent if both records share fields.

> xyz, xyz' :: Record (X Int, Y Int, Z Int)
> xyz = xz ? xy ? Rec

* xyz ? ?x ==> -1

So it is probably better to disambiguate.

> xyz' = xz ? y ? Rec

* xyz' ? ?x ==> -1


As an application, we use records to build a rudimentary object system.

A class is a record which can access its own fields, which are supplied
as an argument.

> type Class fields = Record fields -> Record fields

Originally I tried the type 'fields => Record fields', which leads to
problems when tying the knot.

Given a class, we can get a record for property and method access by
using a fixed point combinator.

> runClass :: Class fields -> Record fields
> runClass inst = inst (runClass inst)

Type signatures for our next example.

> type N    = ?n::Int
> type AbstractFact = (?fact::Int, ?factHelper::Int -> Int -> Int)
> type ConcreteFact = (AbstractFact, N)

This is an abstract class that computes the factorial of its abstract
property `?n'.  Notice how `?n' is not included in the function's return

> abstractFact :: Record ConcreteFact -> Record AbstractFact
> abstractFact r = Rec where
>   ?fact = r ? ?factHelper 1 ?n
>   ?factHelper = r ?
>     \p k -> if k == 1 then p else ?factHelper (p*k) (k-1)

It is important that `r' only be opened inside the definitions of the
methods, otherwise `runClass' will cause an infinite loop.

To go from an abstract class to a concrete class, all we need to do is
provide the missing property.

> concreteFact :: Int -> Class ConcreteFact
> concreteFact n r = abstractFact r ? let ?n = n in Rec

Quick sanity check

> testFact :: Class ConcreteFact
> testFact = concreteFact 10

* runClass testFact ? ?fact ==> 3628800

Example of overloading.

> overrideFact :: Class ConcreteFact
> overrideFact r = testFact r ? let ?fact = fact in Rec where
>   fact = r ? product [1.. ?n]

It is tempting to use the following definition
  overrideFact r = testFact r ? let ?fact = product [1.. ?n] in Rec
However, this will use `?n' from the current environment and not respond
to `?n' being overridden in a subclass.

The final example concerns multiple inheritance.  We first define a
class for computing Fibonacci numbers, similar to the one for the
factorial above.

> type Fib  = (?fib::Int, N)

> fib :: Int -> Class Fib
> fib n r = Rec where
>   ?n   = n
>   ?fib = let fibs = 0:zipWith (+) fibs (1:fibs) in r ? fibs !! ?n

A multiple-inheritance combinator

> diamond :: Class c1 -> Class c2 -> Class (c1,c2)
> diamond c1 c2 r = c1 (r ? Rec) ? c2 (r ? Rec) ? Rec

> testFactFib :: Class (ConcreteFact, Fib)
> testFactFib = diamond testFact (fib 5)

This is C++-style inheritance: We now have two copies of the field `?n'.

* runClass testFactFib ? ?fact ==> 3628800
* runClass testFactFib ? ?fib ==> 5

However, if we were to update `?n' in a subclass, both the factorial and
the Fibonacci class would both use the new value.

Alternatively, we can force the class to use a single value for `?n' by
making sure `?n' only occurs once in the list of fields, but it's
anyone's guess which value GHC will pick for `?n'.

> testFactFib' :: Class (AbstractFact, Fib)
> testFactFib' r = testFactFib (r ? Rec) ? Rec

* runClass testFactFib' ? ?fact ==> 120
* runClass testFactFib' ? ?fib ==> 5


[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records

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