Christopher Howard wrote:
class XyConv a where
toXy :: a b -> [Xy b]
I can get a quick fix by adding Floating to the context of the /class/
class XyConv a where
toXy :: Floating b => a b -> [Xy b]
But what I really want is to put Floating in the context of the
/instance/ declaration.
This is not easily possible. If you could just put the constraint into
the instance, there would be a problem when youc all toXy in a
polymorphic context, where a is not known. Example:
class XyConv a where
toXy :: a b -> [Xy b]
shouldBeFine :: XyConv a => a String -> [Xy String]
shouldBeFine = toXy
This code compiles fine, because the type of shouldBeFine is an instance
of the type of toXy. The type checker figures out that here, b needs to
be String, and since there is no class constraint visible anywhere that
suggests a problem with b = String, the code is accepted.
The correctness of this reasoning relies on the fact that whatever
instances you add in other parts of your program, they can never
constrain b so that it cannot be String anymore. Such an instance would
invalidate the above program, but that would be unfair: How would the
type checker have known in advance whether or not you'll eventually
write this constraining instance.
So this is why in Haskell, the type of a method in an instance
declaration has to be as general as the declared type of that method in
the corresponding class declaration.
Now, there is a way out using some of the more recent additions to the
language: You can declare, in the class, that each instance can choose
its own constraints for b. This is possible by combining constraint
kinds and associated type families.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, TypeFamilies #-}
import GHC.Exts
The idea is to add a constraint type to the class declaration:
class XyConv a where
type C a :: * -> Constraint
toXy :: C a b => a b -> [Xy b]
Now it is clear to the type checker that calling toXy requires that b
satisfies a constraint that is only known when a is known, so the
following is not accepted.
noLongerAccepted :: XyConv a => a String -> [Xy String]
noLongerAccepted = toXy
The type checker complains that it cannot deduce an instance of (C a
[Char]) from (XyConv a). If you want to write this function, you have to
explicitly state that the caller has to provide the (C a String)
instance, whatever (C a) will be:
haveToWriteThis :: (XyConv a, C a String) => a String -> [Xy String]
haveToWriteThis = toXy
So with associated type families and constraint kinds, the class
declaration can explicitly say that instances can require constraints.
The type checker will then be aware of it, and require appropriate
instances of as-yet-unknown classes to be available. I think this is
extremely cool and powerful, but maybe more often than not, we don't
actually need this power, and can provide a less generic but much
simpler API.
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