The HList code does not need overlapping-instances, however it does use undecidable instances. This is not however bad like overlapping instances is. Overlapping instances can break module independance (as in defining a new instance can change the meaning of an existing class in modules that are already compiled). Undecidable instances merely means the compiler is not capable of proving that the constraints terminate. In the case of an HList they "obviously" do (where the constraint recursion is structurally over the length of a list termination is obvious). This is more a weakness in the compiler rather
than some problem with the HList code.


Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

Am Dienstag, 22. November 2005 07:33 schrieb David Menendez:
Keean Schupke writes:
   Haskell already has static records (in H98)

   Dynamic records are addressed by the HList library, which uses
extensions already present in GHC and Hugs (namely Multi-parameter
type-classes and function-dependancies).
Is this the case? Every implementation of HList that I've seen also uses
overlapping and undecidable instances.

The paper about HList I have seen does explicitely say that the authors were finally able to avoid using overlapping instances. I don't know about undecidable instances but I thought (and hope very much) that they don't need them too.

Best wishes,
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