Yes, I misunderstood the generated code and splice shown in error message.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 11:04 PM, adam vogt <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 2:25 AM, Magicloud Magiclouds
> <> wrote:
> > Then I got
> > Illegal variable name: `UserPassword'
> >     When splicing a TH declaration:
> Hi Magicloud,
> GHC seems to be trying to tell you that variables are lowercase in
> haskell. Since you don't have code, I'm guessing your error is from
> doing something like:
> > wrong1 = print ($(dyn "Just") 5)
> > wrong2 = print ($(varE 'Just) 5)
> Which is a compile time error since you apparently can't pass a Name
> which is capitalized to `VarE :: Name -> Exp'
> Any of these options work. They use the  `ConE :: Name -> Exp'
> constructor instead:
> > opt1 = print ($(conE (mkName "Just")) 5)
> > opt2 = print ($(conE 'Just) 5)
> > opt3 = print ($( [| Just |]) 5 )
> --
> Adam


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