On 31/07/13 08:21, Mats Rauhala wrote:
> Is Data.Text as an extra dependency really that bad? Remember that you
> are parsing comments, prose, human produced text, where Data.Text is way
> more useful than ByteString.
It has to come with GHC boot packages and it currently doesn't. I have
updated my post accordingly to mention it.

ByteString indeed has its problems (I have to be quite careful to make
sure unicode doesn't get mangled) but that's just how it is at the
moment. If Text ever makes it in, the transition will be trivial. We're
not doing anything fancy to the text we get out anyway so any
performance difference it might bring is negligable. The only difference
I can think of would be that we would no longer have to worry about
preserving unicode by hand.

It's an inconvenience, but that's about it. Nothing mission-critical.
Mateusz K.

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