On 15/08/13 23:07, jabolo...@google.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot find a similar ticket, so it seems that no one has filed this
> issue before.  As a general comment, I think this issue is a good
> example that perhaps docstrings should go in the AST.
> In any case, I would ask someone with a trac account in Haddock to
> submit this ticket for me.  I apologize for the inconvenience, but,
> for privacy concerns, I don't want an account in Haddock trac and it
> does not seem possible to submit a ticket without first creating one.
> Thanks,
> Jose
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 12:51:35AM +0300, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
>> In any case, it shouldn't fail with a parse error, since this is valid
>> Haskell.
>> Please file a ticket at http://trac.haskell.org/haddock (but first see
>> if it hasn't been reported before).
>> Roman
>> * jabolo...@google.com <jabolo...@google.com> [2013-08-15 15:24:23-0400]
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using
>>>   GHC: 6.12.1
>>>   Haddock: 2.6.0
>>> and the following does not work with Haddock (GHC is fine!):
>>>   -- Main
>>>   -- | Blah blah blah
>>>   (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3)
>>> $ haddock ...
>>> /tmp/Main.hs:2:0: parse error on input `('
>>> Is this a bug? Or it's just not part of Haddock?
>>> This seems like an interesting feature to document several definitions
>>> together, for example, error codes:
>>> -- | Syscall error codes for blah...
>>> --
>>> -- errA when blah
>>> -- ...
>>> (errA, errB, errC) = ...
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jose
In the future, please try with more recent version of GHC.

This is no longer a parse error with HEAD or 7.6.3. Instead, given

 -- | 'y' and 'x' are here
 (x, y) = (1, 2)

you get documentation generated for ‘x’ and Haddock doesn't seem to
have any idea where to link ‘y’ (but it does know it's in scope &c). I
think this behaviour is understandable considering that ‘x’ is the
first ‘function’ after Haddock comments so the comment belongs to ’x’.
If you want a different behaviour, please file an enhancement request
against a recent version to have it considered.

I don't understand your concern over privacy in this case: you're
getting a lot more exposure just posting on café than you ever would
by posting directly on the low-traffic Haddock Trac. You're free to
register with a temporary e-mail.


Mateusz K.

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