Hello, I have a program that just will not compile and I cannot figure out why. I am starting out with wxHaskell but keep getting certain errors. Here is the source:

module Main where

import Graphics.UI.WX

main :: IO ()
main = start hello

hello :: IO ()
hello = do f <- frame [text := "Super Window"]
                lab <- staticText f [text:= "Hello"]
                quit <- button f [text:= "Quit", on command := close f]
                touch <- button f [text:= "Touch Me",
                                on command := set quit [text:= "Yay"]]
                set f [layout:= floatCenter (widget lab) $
                                floatCenter (widget touch) $
                                floatCenter (widget quit)]

I keep the following error

Compiling Main             ( test1.hs, test1.o )

test1.hs:9:11: The last statement in a 'do' construct must be an expression

I looked at source code for the do statement and can not understand why I get that error.

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