I only lock around the connectTo to avoid the gethostbyname issue. After that I set up two memory BIOs and hook them to go through a handshake. Encryption is done through the BIOs afterwards since I need to wrap the encrypted data in a header of my own (don't ask).

I haven't had a problem with this so far but I might have just been lucky. I will put some locks around.

On Dec 8, 2005, at 9:28 AM, Branimir Maksimovic wrote:

Also, I think that original problem of gethostbyname just hides real
SSL problem as you've probably locked around that too, but you can't
be really sure. so either lock around every SSL call with global mutex
or set locks in C module then call Haskell or setup callbacks from Haskell,
whichever way you prefer.


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