Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Substring replacements
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 00:25:19 -0500

G'day all.

Quoting Branimir Maksimovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> After seeing that your program is fastest (I've also tried one from
> but perhaps I'm not
> that good in converting to search replace?)

You probably did it right, but you could post your version to the
list if you want me to take a look.

Oh, here it is but just don;t laugh :)
I've hacked with unsafePerformIO as I din't know
how to remove IO from match any other way.

searchReplaceKMP :: String->String->String -> String
searchReplaceKMP sr rp s
   | not (null remaining) = found++rp
                            ++ searchReplaceKMP sr rp remaining
   | otherwise = found
       (found,remaining) = unsafePerformIO $ matchKMP sr s

matchKMP :: (Monad m, Eq a) => [a] -> ([a] -> m ([a],[a]))
matchKMP []
   = error "Can't match empty list"
matchKMP xs
   = matchfunc []
       matchfunc = makeMatchFunc [dofail] (zip xs (overlap xs))
       dofail = \ps xs -> case xs of
                               [] -> fail "can't match"
                               (y:ys) -> matchfunc (y:ps) ys

type PartialMatchFunc m a = [a] -> [a] -> m ([a], [a])

makeMatchFunc :: (Monad m, Eq a) => [PartialMatchFunc m a] -> [(a, Int)]
               -> PartialMatchFunc m a
makeMatchFunc prev []
   = \ps xs -> return (reverse (drop ((length prev)-1) ps), xs)
makeMatchFunc prev ((x,failstate):ms)
   = thisf
       mf = makeMatchFunc (thisf:prev) ms
       failcont = prev !! (length prev - failstate - 1)
       thisf = \ps xs -> case xs of
                               [] -> fail "can't match"
                               (y:ys) -> if (x == y) then mf (y:ps) ys
                                               else failcont ps xs

overlap :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [Int]
overlap str
   = overlap' [0] str
       overlap' prev []
         = reverse prev
       overlap' prev (x:xs)
         = let get_o o
                | o <= 1 || str !! (o-2) == x = o
                | otherwise = get_o (1 + prev !! (length prev - o + 1))
               in overlap' (get_o (head prev + 1):prev) xs

These are timings (it's performance is about the same as Rabin-Karp):

$ time searchr.exe
Working:seasearch replace  able seaseasearch baker seasearch charlie
searchr.exe: user error (can't match)

real    0m22.187s
user    0m0.015s
sys     0m0.015s

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/tutorial
$ ghc -fglasgow-exts  -O2 searchr.hs --make  -o searchr.exe
Chasing modules from: searchr.hs
Compiling Main             ( searchr.hs, searchr.o )
Linking ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/tutorial
$ time searchr.exe
Working very long

real    0m8.110s
user    0m0.031s
sys     0m0.016s

When I wrote the RunTimeCompilation code, it wasn't intended to be a
shining example of efficiency, merely an illustration.  Remember
that it's doing TWO things: compiling the pattern to code, and then
performing the search.  The compilation phase is likely to be much
slower than the search, so the speedup (if any!) would only be realised
the SECOND time that you searched a string using the same pattern.
(Assuming you re-used the compiled match code, of course!)

Oh, that explaines it. Actually this has to be converted to searchReplace
in order to be fast, but I don;t know how (yet) as your program
is pretty complicated to my humble Haskell skills.
I think that your technique can be usefull with Aho-Corasick algorithm
as it first constructs finite automaton from tree, then performs search.
So, I'll guess I'll try first Boyer-Moore, then Aho-Corasick, eventually run
time compilation, but this is too advanced for me for now.

Greetings, Bane.

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