Hi again,

Now I've actually tested the barrier implementation by counting the
number of times each worker thread reaches the barrier.  It's not a
proof, but I take it as strong indication, that it's not as bad, as I
first thought.  If all workers have run the same number of times 
(that is a maximum of one apart), then at least that's one good 
feature of the barrier.  I think it works though and also keeps that
invariant (max one iteration apart) all the time.

Thank you for your kind help.



Here are the counts for runs with the barrier in different places:

No barrier: 

> worker :: Int -> TVar Int -> TVar Int -> IO ()
> worker id tv ic = do
>       sleepingTime <- randomRIO (0, 50000)
>       threadDelay sleepingTime
>       putStr $ show id
>       atomically $ (inc ic)
>       worker id tv ic


The barrier after putStr:

> worker :: Int -> TVar Int -> TVar Int -> IO ()
> worker id tv ic = do
>       sleepingTime <- randomRIO (0, 50000)
>       threadDelay sleepingTime
>       putStr $ show id
>       atomically $ barrier tv id 
>       atomically $ (inc ic)
>       worker id tv ic


The thread between threadDelay and putStr:

> worker :: Int -> TVar Int -> TVar Int -> IO ()
> worker id tv ic = do
>       sleepingTime <- randomRIO (0, 50000)
>       threadDelay sleepingTime
>       atomically $ barrier tv id 
>       putStr $ show id
>       atomically $ (inc ic)
>       worker id tv ic


Note: This is the one looking most like 0123456789012345... as I
initially wanted, but of course there is a chance of a race where
all worker threads wait before putStr after they are in sequence
from the barrier.  Then it would be random which one executed putStr

The barrier is placed in the beginning before threadDelay:

> worker :: Int -> TVar Int -> TVar Int -> IO ()
> worker id tv ic = do
>       sleepingTime <- randomRIO (0, 50000)
>       atomically $ barrier tv id 
>       threadDelay sleepingTime
>       putStr $ show id
>       atomically $ (inc ic)
>       worker id tv ic


Here's the full program:

> module Main where
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Concurrent.STM
> import System.Random
> worker :: Int -> TVar Int -> TVar Int -> IO ()
> worker id tv ic = do
>       sleepingTime <- randomRIO (0, 50000)
>       threadDelay sleepingTime
>       putStr $ show id
>       atomically $ barrier tv id 
>       atomically $ (inc ic)
>       worker id tv ic

Each worker sleeps for some time, then outputs its id and waits at
the barrier for all the other workers to finish their sleep+output.

> barrier :: TVar Int -> Int -> STM ()
> barrier tv id = do
>       passed <- readTVar tv
>       if (passed `mod` 10 == id)
>               then writeTVar tv (passed+1)
>               else retry

The barrier is simply a global variable, tv, which holds the number of
times any worker passed the barrier.  Now, a worker may only pass the
barrier iff the worker with an id one less just passed, or else it
should block.

> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>       tv <- atomically $ newTVar 0
>       idCounts <- mapM (atomically . newTVar) [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
>       for [0..9] $ \i -> forkIO $ worker i tv (idCounts!!i)
>       threadDelay (10*10^6)
>       mapM_ (\(i,ic) -> (atomically $ readTVar ic) >>= \n -> print
>       (i,n)) (zip [0..9]  idCounts)
> for = flip mapM_
> inc tvar = readTVar tvar >>= \n -> writeTVar tvar (n+1)
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