On 21/12/05, Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> > IO is always complicated:
> I have never once thought it was complicated. All I've ever needed are
> "print()" and "readLine()" and those shouldn't be complicated IMO. And I
> wouldn't want to wait for page 120 to learn how to do that. My programs
> are not going to be useful if they can't get user input or produce
> output. I don't want to wait for page 120 to write my first useful program.

For this much, see my reply to your message in the other thread :)
IO in Haskell isn't really so bad if you take it the right way.

However, we do have these really nice interactive environments for
evaluating expressions. When I write a real application, often the
last thing I write is 'main'. It's more fun to start with the core of
the algorithm that I want to implement, or problem I want to solve,
and work my way outward to the user interface.

So perhaps it's more natural for a Haskell tutorial to start there. As
a Haskell programmer, it's where I'd start to write my program.

> > So I prefer starting a tutorial without IO,
> > interaction in GHCi and Hugs should be enough for the beginning.
> GHCi and Hugs are enough for the /beginning/ yes, but that doesn't mean
> that IO should go on chapter 7. How about putting it in chapter 2?
> Cheers,
> Daniel
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