----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel Fischer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Brian Hulley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Haskell-cafe" <haskell-cafe@haskell.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

Am Sonntag, 8. Januar 2006 14:06 schrieb Brian Hulley:
Hi -
A main problem I've found with Haskell is that within a module, too many
things are put into the same scope. For example

    data Tree a b = Leaf a | Node {elem::b, lhs::Tree a b, rhs::Tree a b}

< snip>
I propose that the above declaration should introduce a *new module* Tree, as a sub module of the containing module, and Leaf, Node, elem etc will be
put into this module, and not the module containing the data declaration

What speaks against putting the data declaration in a separate module:

module ThisKindOfTrees where

data Tree a b = ...

and then use qualified imports (with a short alias), if you want to use
different kinds of trees in one module?

All I'm proposing is that the compiler should do all this painful work for you, so that you don't need to bother creating a different file that then needs two import directives to achieve the effect I want. Is there any case where you would *not* want a type to be declared in its own module?

Yes, more files, but, IMHO, much more readable.

In what way is it more readable?

For example, for

module M where
foo :: forall b. Eq a =>  Set (Tree a) -> Tree ([a],b) -> [Tree (a,b)]

we ignore the forall and Eq, and replace tyvars and tuple the results to

   M.(Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo

as the fully qualified reference to the entity we've just declared.

Looks absolutely horrible to me. What would we gain?
We could have

M.(Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo
M.(Int, Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo

but why? Do we really want it? I certainly don't.

I agree that I would certainly not want to have to write out the fully qualified name (or superfluously qualified name as you point out with Int,...), but I think we would gain a great deal from this, because just by making a declaration in module M, we've effectively created an infinite number of child modules that the declaration belongs to, without having to create an infinite number of files and write an infinite number of import directives in M.

For example, suppose I'm writing a module M that deals with grammar, where the elements in a grammar rule are parameterised so that rules can be written using strings but processed as if we'd used ints instead:

   data Element a = Terminal a | Nonterminal a | Action a

   data Rule a = Rule (Element a) [[Element a]]

Now I want to convert elements and rules from a to Int, so at the moment I have to write:

   convertElement :: Element a -> CM (Element Int)

   convertRule :: Rule a -> CM (Rule Int)

for some appropriate monad CM.
Whereas I would have much preferred to use just the word "convert" in both cases. It is tremendously annoying to have to suffix everything with the type name.

In another situation, suppose we have two types T1 and T2, and some function convert :: T1 -> T2 The problem I have is which module (if I used a separate module for T1 and T2), should I put the convert function in? Essentially I think it belongs to the space of relations between T1 and T2, hence my idea to use tuple notation to get a module called (Q1,Q2) eg (Set,Map). But I certainly don't want the bother of having to create a new file and type import directives into M every time I want to define a function on some different relation space.

Really I don't want to have to think about modules at all, since I'd like to write code that organises itself into modules (using these ty-tuples and top-down type/identifier-resolution inference) so I can concentrate on typed values and relations between them without all the module-level plumbing.

you'd havoc because sometimes you've just made an error -- which wouldn't
then be spotted by the type-checker.

I agree this could be a disadvantage - ease of coding is gained but some kinds of errors cannot be caught so easily.

Finally (apologies for this long post), returning to the use of ^ to allow
an object oriented way of thinking consider:

    insert :: a -> Set a -> Set a
    ps = singleton 3
    qs = insert 4 ps
    rs = ps^insert 4

When resolving "insert" used in the binding for rs, the compiler should see that we are looking for some function Set Int -> Int -> Set Int, and hence will be looking in the current module augmented by the Set module. However the Set module only has a binding for insert with type a -> Set a -> Set a.
So the compiler should generate a new function insert' from insert by
moving the first Set a arg to the front.

Automatic permutation of arguments? Has its merits, but goodbye to
type-safety, I believe.

Yes, perhaps this does make life too complicated.

things I think are wrong with Haskell such as the way the current layout
rule allows one to write code that would break if you replaced an
identifier with one that had a different number of characters in it etc),

So you would have to adjust your indentation in that case.

Surely that is most terrible! :-)

If you consider that a serious problem, what about using braces and
semicolons? If you do it like

foo bar = do { x <- something bar
            ; more x
            ; yetMore x bar

you get the advantages of both, layout-enhanced readability and
layout-insensitivity due to explicit braces and semicolons.

It is quite simple to create a new layout rule. My idea with this is that all lines should start with zero or more tab characters (non-tab leading whitespace is disallowed), and all layout blocks should start on a new line. Moreover, it is possible to completely dump the ugly let..in construct, and make "=" one of the tokens that can start a new layout block, so instead of:

   f x = let a = x+1
                b = x + 2
           in a + b

one would simply write:

   f x =
           a = x+1
           b = x+2
           a + b

This allows you to use a variable width font and does not break when the identifiers are renamed. Also, I would use ',' instead of ';' in an explicit block, so that {,} becomes a general construct that can be used for records as well as blocks (so you can use layout for records too), and, while I'm on the subject of things to change, I would use {,} for predicates instead of (...)=> and use => (or =) instead of -> in the value syntax:

data (Eq a, Ord a) => Set a ... -- looks like a tuple but has nothing to do with tuples

data {Eq a, Ord a} Set a -- looks more like a set of predicates this way

case p of [] => q \x y => x+y (avoids all the problems when you want to type things)

'^' is definitely a bad choice, 'cause it's exponentiation (and has a long and
venerable history as symbol therefore).

   :: would mean list cons, as it has been since the birth of ML
: would be used for type annotations as it has been since the birth of Pascal (at least) o would be used for function composition so that . can be used for qualification user defined fixities would be discarded because they make code unreadable by anyone else

so any feedback on these ideas would be welcome.

You want object-oriented Haskell?
Go ahead (there's something around already)

I think this value space idea is far more powerful than just object orientation, because in OOP, functions can only be associated with their first argument, whereas with value spaces, values are associated with the whole space of relations (ie all args + return value) they are concerned with.

but make it a language of its own.
No offence intended, but I like Haskell as it is and haven't really seen the
merits of OO-overloading yet.

Fair enough. I hope it was ok to post these ideas to this group because Haskell is very similar to the language I'm trying to create and it is very useful to get this feedback. I'm happy if anyone wants to incorporate any of my ideas above into Haskell but equally happy if they don't :-)

Best regards,

Brian Hulley.
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