Actually I was starting to develop a matrix library, but then I found someone beat me to it... which is nice of course because you can move straight on to using it...

It uses the GSL which can use an optimized cblas library for even faster computation.


Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
| Between google searching and looking through the activity
| report, I take it that no one has really developed serious
| libraries for matrix manipulations, diff eqs, etc.
| | Are there any practical reasons for this or is it just a
| matter of the haskell community being small and there not
| being many people interested in something so specialized?

The latter I think, but it's just the sort of thing that a functional
language should be good at.  Two other difficulties

(a) It's hard to compete with existing libraries.  The obvious thing is
not to compete; instead, just call them.  But somehow that doesn't seem
to be as motivating.  Perhaps some bindings exist though?

(b) A concern about efficiency, because numerical computation is
typically an area where people really care about how many instructions
you take.  It's a legitimate concern, but I don't think that it'll turn
out to be justified.  With unboxed arrays, and/or calling external
libraries for the inner loops -- and the potential for aggressive fusion
and/or parallelism, there is plenty of upward potential.  I also want to
work on nested data parallelism (a la NESL, and NEPAL) which fits right
in here.

I'd love to see a little community of matrix manipulators spinning up.

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