Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
Perhas you'd like to put up a Style page on thew new Haskell wiki,
perhaps under the Idioms category?

I cannot promise it, but I'll try. If someone else is willing to do it, I would support this.

Rob Dockins wrote:
I understood that part of the guidelines as a pleading for Maybe.

Humm.  Well clearly I read it the opposite way.  I suppose that means  that 
whatever technique is being recommended should be put forth with  more clarity 

done (use Maybe or another Monad)

Andrew Bromage wrote:
So, for example, f (g (h x)) can be expressed well as:

    f . g $ h x          -- only use if you need to distinguish h
    f . g . h $ x        -- better

I see this differently. Expressions may be succinct! I find "$" and "." similar enough for non-obfuscation. But I collect cases where "$" does not work (i.e. for the kind #). Bad would be cases where "$" works differently than (reasonably) expected.

John Meacham wrote:
f x = ... y ... where
        Just y = Map.lookup x theMap

now if the lookup fails you automatically get an error message pointing
to the exact line number of the failure. or if the failure message of
the routine is more important than the source location you can do

f x = ... y ... where
        Identity y = Map.lookup x theMap

These are potential runtime errors, that may be not so obvious to see in the source (ie. for user defined types) and even the compiler (ghc) does not emit a warning.

Thanks for all your comments
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