Am Mittwoch, 8. März 2006 12:06 schrieben Sie:
> Daniel Fischer wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I've just installed haddock-0.7, nice, but...
> >
> >> haddock -o h7doc -h -D h7doc/fusi.haddock --use-package=base
> >> Verwaltung.hs
> >
> > Teams.hs Stats.hs Match.hs Main.hs Liga.hs Item.hs Helpers.hs Datum.hs
> > Warning: Helpers: could not find link destinations for:
> >     GHC.Base.Int GHC.Base.String GHC.Show.Show Data.Maybe.Maybe
> > GHC.Base.Eq GHC.Base.Bool
> >
> > and so on.
> > Same problem, if I use "-i/usr/.../base.haddock" instead of
> I hope the following is correct now:
> --read-interface=/usr/../libraries/base,/usr/../libraries/base/base.haddock

I had that, first with -i/usr... then also with --read-interface=...,
no difference
haddock -h -o dock -D dock/fusi.haddock 
Warning: Helpers: could not find link destinations for:
    GHC.Base.Int GHC.Base.String GHC.Show.Show Data.Maybe.Maybe GHC.Base.Eq 
> (-s only supplies links to your own source code)
> Cheers Christian

Any other ideas?



"In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be
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