Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
> o How important is it that I switch from using the State monad to using 
> arrows?

Your problem seems to be naturally soved by the State monad, therefore
you should use that.

> o How important is it that I switch from using |> or $ to using
> arrows?

Unimportant.  However, I'd recommend switching from application ($,|>) to
composition (.,>>>) where possible.  It's "more functional" and often
easier to read.

> o How much will this increase the "conceptual complexity" of my
> program

Not at all.  You might define >>> locally as

        f >>> g = \x -> g (f x)

or just pretend that this definition is contained in Control.Arrow due
to a historical accident, thereby completely ignoring the existence of
other arrows.

Wo die Macht geistlos ist, ist der Geist machtlos.
(aus einem Gipfelbuch)

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