On Apr 6, 2006, at 11:25 AM, Michael Goodrich wrote:

Thanks so much for your help. I should have made clear that I was aware that the definitions were mutually dependent. What I was hoping was that Haskell could solve this for me without my having to resort to effectively finessing any sequencing considerations.

Perhaps I am really asking it to do too much.

This I thought might be reasonable since one is supposed to be achieving a sequence-less style of programming. But this would seem to be a counter example where I will be essentially forced to implement a sequential processing semantic in a language environment which ostensibly would deny me such (for my own good I understand).


[snip a bunch of code]

I'm not an expert, but I'll take a crack at this. What you seem to want is a numeric fixpoint, wherein each variable in the mutually recursive set of equations is assigned a value that causes all equations to hold. This is called a fixpoint because it represents a point where the function in n-space generated by the n equations maps to itself.

The notion of a fixpoint usually found in functional programming languages is a little different -- it is specifically the "least fixed point". Now, I'm getting a little out of my depth here, but I think that the Kleene fixpoint theorem tells us that the least fixpoint of the kind of function in the previous paragraph must be bottom - ie, non-termination (which, GHC can sometimes detect, in which case it prints the <<loop>> error you saw). You can't use the least fixpoint mechanism that the programming language gives you to calculate the those kind of numeric fixpoints, because the least fixpoint is completely uninteresting and not what you want.

In haskell, the standard techinque for this kind of thing is to calculate an "infinite" list of successive approximations to the answer and choosing an element from the list according to some criteria (usually absolute or relative convergence of successive elements). You can easily build such a list with 'Data.List.iterate'.

This should work for all attractive fixpoints of the function when given an appropriate initial approximation (modulo floating point rounding errors, as always).

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
          -- TMBG

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