On Apr 19, 2006, at 3:06 PM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Thanks. I might try this if I don't have any luck with finger trees (from Udo's post), or if they seem too heavy for the simple thing I'm planning to use them for (implementing the text buffer for an edit control which needs a mutable array of lines where each line contains a mutable array of character info). I don't need non-Int indices so your data type for Vector would be fine.

In that case, you may be interested in this paper, which discusses a data structure specifically designed for strings called 'ropes':

http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/reading/proceedings/spe91-95/spe/vol25/ issue12/spe986.pdf

I'm not aware of a Haskell implementation of ropes, but there may well be one floating around. Actually, I'd be kind of surprised if someone hasn't implemented this already (does YI use ropes?); it seems like such a great fit for Haskell.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
          -- TMBG

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