Robert Dockins wrote:
Are you compiling with -fglasgow-exts?  You're relying on generalized
newtype deriving, which is a GHC extension.

If that's not it, what's the error you are getting?

'MonadState does not have arity 1'
(I see now from the docs and from Cale's clause below that the instance declaration would be

       instance MonadState MState ManagerM where ...

hence the need for (MonadState MState) to be written in the deriving clause)

Cale Gibbard wrote:
try deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadState MState) -- I find that
newtype deriving doesn't like guessing at other class parameters, even
with the fundeps there.

Thanks. The other compilation error was caused by the fact that newtype deriving doesn't work in a hs-boot file. I had Control and ManagerM defined in different modules, but when I just merged these into one module, and used Cale's deriving clause, everything now works..

(Perhaps it doesn't really matter about type/newtype in this case anyway since MState is hidden)

[suggestions about ReaderT]

I think I'll stick with an immutable state record for the moment since there does not seem to be a clear advantage one way or the other, and AFAIK ghc 6.4.2 at the moment does not use a write barrier for IORefs so every intergenerational garbage collection follows every IORef in existence which could slow things down for a large GUI with individual IORefs for each state component.

Robert Dockins wrote:
Sometimes I also think it would be nice if all the standard lib
functions with IO types would instead take arbitrary MonadIO types,
so you could avoid having to write down liftIO all the time....

Thanks for the suggestion - it is certainly a lot better to write liftIO inside my FFI wrappers than each time I use these functions elsewhere.

Thanks, Brian.
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