hi !

2006/6/22, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
1) Someone reading the code needs to do a lot of work to try to recover the
original equation
2) Wouldn't an imperative loop, using the original equation directly, have
made everything much simpler?
3) Therefore laziness has lead to obfuscated code.

the way i see :
1/ but why do you call it 'original equation' ? the original thing is
expressed informaly in your head, then into a formula or an algorithm.
Here i find the first one-liner really readable. (although i think it
misses Y[0] = X[0]). But the loop is really readable too for
imperative enabled mind.
2/ for me, list or loop is quite the same thing (in this case)
(although loop is mor general since you can use the base index in
weird ways).
3/ see 1/ and 2/

Jerzy :
can you know a mean to express such computation but with elements
depending of time (in about the same way as languages as esterel)
(i.e. depending of IO)?
Paul Hudak uses a Channel in his book Haskell SOE .. but is there another way ?

vo minh thu
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