On 2006-07-13 at 10:16BST I wrote:
> Hooray!  I've been waiting to ask "Why aren't we asking what
> laws hold for these operations?"

Having thought about this for a bit, I've come up with the
below. This is intended to give the general idea -- it's not
polished code, and I'm not at all wedded to the names I've
used, and it almost certainly should be split up.

> module Parts (parts, fromParts, contiguousParts, segmentsSatisfying) where 
> import List (groupBy)

> parts p = map hack . groupBy sameSide . map (predicateToEither p)
> fromParts = concat . map fromEither

  Now we should have fromParts . parts p ⊑ (id:: [a]->[a])
  In particular, it should be possible to apply a function
  to all the Right parts, and then reconstruct the list with
  the Left parts left alone.

  for example

  fromParts . mapRight uc_first . parts Char.isAlpha $ "A random list of 
words\non lines"
  where uc_first [] = []
        uc_first (a:as) = Char.toUpper a:as

  => "A Random List Of Words\nOn Lines"

> contiguousParts p l = [a | Right a <- parts p l]

  so words = contiguousParts Char.isAlphaNum

> segmentsSatisfying predicate
>     = concat . map dropSeps . parts predicate
>       where dropSeps e
>                 = case e of
>                     Left x -> map (const []) $ tail x
>                     Right r -> [r]


  lines = segmentsSatisfying (/= '\n') 

  ... but the tail in the definition of segmentsSatisfying
  makes me uneasy.

  needing the function `hack` suggests that the definition of
  parts is written badly

> hack (Left x:rest) = Left (x: map (\(Left x) -> x) rest)
> hack (Right x:rest) = Right (x: map (\(Right x) -> x) rest)

  what follows must surely exist in a library somewhere?
  I'd expect it to be called Either...

> predicateToEither :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Either a a
> predicateToEither p x = if p x
>                         then Right x
>                         else Left x

> sameSide (Left _) (Left _) = True
> sameSide (Right _) (Right _) = True
> sameSide _ _ = False

> fromEither (Left x) = x
> fromEither (Right x) = x

> liftE f1 f2 = either (Left . f1) (Right . f2)

> mapRight f = map (onRight f)

> onRight f = liftE id f

> mapLeft f = map (onLeft f)
> onLeft f = liftE f id

  we could do some of half of those using this:

> instance Functor (Either a) where
>     fmap f (Right a) = Right (f a)
>     fmap f (Left l) = Left l

  Is a Monad instance any use?

> instance Monad (Either a) where
>     Right a >>= f = f a
>     Left l >>= f = Left l
>     return = Right

Jón Fairbairn                              Jon.Fairbairn at cl.cam.ac.uk

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