Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
Hello Brian,

Sunday, July 23, 2006, 1:20:36 AM, you wrote:

instance IString ByteString.Char8 ...
instance IString String ...

i think that we should ask Donald Stewart who is patronized SoC
project involving development of such type class. If he will say that
such type class is not developed, i feel himself enough interested to
start developing such class. i can add this module to ByteString lib,
if there is no better variants

i propose something like this:

class ListLike ce e | ce->e
instance ListLike [a] a
instance ListLike Data.ByteString.ByteString Word8
instance ListLike Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString Word8
instance ListLike Data.ByteString.Char8.ByteString Char
instance ListLike Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.ByteString Char

Hi Bulat -

I've been thinking of a sequence class for the project I'm working on at the moment, something like:

   class ISeq seq_a a | seq_a -> a where -- (*)
       empty :: seq_a
       single :: a -> seq_a
       length :: seq_a -> Int
       append :: seq_a -> seq_a -> seq_a

       pushL :: a -> seq_a -> seq_a  -- (**)
       pushR :: seq_a -> a -> seq_a

       at :: seq_a -> Int -> a
       atL :: seq_a -> a            -- (***)
       atR :: seq_a -> a

       viewL :: seq_a -> ViewL
       -- plus lots of other ops

       toList :: seq_a -> [a]
       fromList :: [a] -> seq_a

   data ViewL seq_a a = EmptyL | PushL !a !seq_a
   -- this is strict so we don't pay an extra laziness penalty

(meaningful names such as pushL, pushR etc inspired by the absolutely brilliant C++ STL library as opposed to odd lispy names like cons and snoc (do we really want to have to start reading lexemes backwards then apply a quirky historical reference to understand code?)) then the IString class would be something like:

    class IChar c where
        toCChar :: c -> CChar
        fromCChar :: CChar -> c

    class (IChar c, ISeq s c) => IString s where
       withCString :: MonadIO m => s -> (Ptr CChar -> IO a) -> m a
withCStringLen :: MonadIO m => s -> (Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO a) -> m a

       withCAString :: MonadIO m => s -> (Ptr CChar -> IO a) -> m a
withCAStringLen :: MonadIO m => s -> (Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO a) -> m a

       -- possibly also withCWString etc

       peekCString :: Ptr CChar -> s
       peekCAString :: Ptr CChar -> s

ie the IString class deals with the complexity of marshalling character strings which may or may not be in Unicode.

(*) I assume that the reason for putting the collection type first is because usually you want to map a collection of elements to a collection of some different element type rather than mapping between different collection types.

(**) I think conventional names like "foldr" should be replaced by "foldR" so that camel case is followed consistently and so that confusing names like "reducer", which is a word by itself in English, cannot arise when "reduceR" was meant.

(***) "atL" and "atR" are more visual than the conventional names "head" and "last". I think names should be chosen so that the syntactic differences between lexemes indicate similarity of meaning, thus it's clear that "atL" "atR" and "at" all do something similar, whereas "head", "last", and "index" are just 3 random English words whose perceived commonality depends on many years programming experience and is therefore vague and loose.

Anyway - it's just a rough idea at the moment,

Regards, Brian.
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Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
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