Henning Thielemann wrote:
On Fri, 4 Aug 2006, Brian Hulley wrote:

4) Haskell is open source and licensing restrictions forbid
commercial applications. I haven't seen any such restrictions, but
is this a problem for the standard modules?

You can discover the licensing situation by downloading the GHC
source (or source for whatever distro you're using) and looking in
the directories for each package. For example the base package uses
a BSD-style licence and HaXml uses LGPL with the exception to allow
static linking.

A license which requires programmers to disclose their sources
shouldn't be a problem for a commercial application. Which C hacker
would or could steal code from it? :-)

Hi Henning -
Apologies for not replying sooner. I couldn't think what to say! ;-)

Disclaimer: the following essay only contains 2 Haskell functions and is not intended to cause offence to farmers...

Afaict a license such as GPL allows anyone, even a non-programmer, to just re-distribute whatever application you created because one condition of it is that anyone should be free to share software with anyone else without having to pay anything extra to the people who wrote it, and I think this is essentially based on the notion that software should not be regarded as an ownable or sellable "thing".

However a potato is sellable, even though farmers have such a great time out in the fields breathing in the fresh misty morning air and watching the beautiful colours of the sunrise, and basically just letting nature take its course with a bit of healthy exercise and free food thrown in for good measure (it might even be some of my personal sweat that evaporates and later falls as rain to nourish "their" crops). And what makes them think they have a right to "own" parts of the earth's surface anyway! ;-)

While I'd personally like to live in a peaceful society where everything is freely available, the fact is that I have to deal with the situation I find myself in at the moment ie I have to pay money whevener I need food, electricity, gas, internet, petrol, dvds, music, art etc and I absolutely don't agree that everyone else in the world except software developers has the right to earn a living, while we just give everything away because it's so much "fun" bringing it into existence, or that we should be chastised for trying to charge for our efforts!!! ;-)

Also, if we want a better world I can think of other professions to sacrifice (Hint: take 5 p = "polit" and last p = 'n').

Making complete end-user applications freely available is not always helpful to others, even to the end-users. Consider how a local corner-shop owner would feel if all the large supermarket chains stood outside his door giving away free food. The consumers are very happy! How selfless and beneficient those big supermarkets are! But how long would the corner-shop be able to stay open? And would the supermarkets continue to supply the free food after they'd finally wiped out his business? People no longer meet for a chat at the corner-shop. There is a void in the community. People start to feel alienated. Houses are vandalised. Crime is on the increase. The government claims it needs more powers to prevent it. Perhaps a few people see what's happening but really it's already too late...

Of course from a pragmatic point of view it is useful for developers to share parts of their source or coding ideas, since there is clearly too much work for any one person to do, thus BSD and LGPL make a lot of commercial sense, as well as being a nice gesture of fraternity between coders, and a blueprint for the future if we can only find the right strategies to achieve it given our own specific individual circumstances.

Therefore I think licenses which enforce a particular strategy or attempt to limit possible business models to further a specific agenda, however well meaning they may appear, are unattractive for commercial development in general, even though some specific niche companies can manage fine under those conditions (eg consultants/ trainers/ contracted developers etc).

Regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
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