Ahn, Ki Yung wrote:
Recently, I'm facing the dark side of laziness
-- the memory leak because of laziness.

The following is the code that leaks memory.

sctAnal gs = null cgs || all (not . null) dcs
  gs' = fixSize compose $ Set.fromList [TT (x,y,cs) [] | To _ x y
cs<-Set.toList gs]
  cgs = [z | z@(TT (x,y,cs) _)<-Set.toList gs', x==y]
  dcs = [[c| c@(a,D,b)<-Set.toList cs , a==b] | TT (_,_,cs) _<-cgs]
  compose gs = trace ("## "++show (Set.size gs)) $ foldr checkInsert

One thing is that (foldr) is not recommended if you can at all avoid it. I think you may be able to use (foldl') here (if you also swap the arg order for checkInsert) which behaves as a strict fold operation so it doesn't waste space building up thunks.

    gs $ do TT (x1,y1,cs1) l1 <- Set.toList gs
    TT (_,y2,cs2) l2 <- takeWhileTTfrom y1 . Set.toList $ setGT (TT
(y1,Al""(-1),Set.empty) []) gs
    return $ TT (x1,y2,cs1 `comp` cs2) (l1++y1:l2)
  takeWhileTTfrom y = takeWhile (\(TT (y',_,_) _) -> y==y')
  checkInsert x s

          -- checkInsert s x -- if you use foldl'

                  | Set.member x s = s
                  | otherwise      = Set.insert x s

Sorry I can't help more at the moment -

Regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.

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