I will try any make a simpler explanation:


I'm trying to understand Monad Transformers. The code below works as
expected but I have the following questions:
- why can I use liftIO but not lift in the doSomething function?

Replacing liftIO with (lift . lift) does work:

doSomething :: MyM Int
doSomething = do
   dataRef <- asks myData
   logMsg "Writing"
   lift . lift $ do
       mv <- atomically $ readTVar dataRef
       putStrLn mv
   logMsg "Written"
   return 1

This is because lift only move you one level though the MonadTrans stack of types. Let's look at what MonadTrans means:

class MonadTrans (t::(* -> *) -> * -> *) where
  lift :: forall (m::* -> *) a. Monad m => m a -> t m a
        -- Imported from Control.Monad.Trans
instance MonadTrans (ReaderT r)
        -- Imported from Control.Monad.Reader
instance Monoid w => MonadTrans (WriterT w)
        -- Imported from Control.Monad.Writer

So the only thing MonadTrans does is provide the 'lift' function.  Your type is

type MyM a = WriterT [Entry] (ReaderT MyData IO) a

To really see what (lift . lift) is doing, consider the most type specific:

-- lift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a

liftIOtoReader :: IO a -> (ReaderT MyData) IO a
liftIOtoReader = lift

liftReaderToWriter :: (ReaderT MyData IO) a -> (WriterT [Entry]) (ReaderT 
MyData IO) a
liftReaderToWriter = lift

doSomething :: MyM Int
doSomething = do
   dataRef <- asks myData
   logMsg "Writing"
   liftReaderToWriter . liftIOtoReader $ do
   --lift $ do
       mv <- atomically $ readTVar dataRef
       putStrLn mv
   logMsg "Written"
   return 1

In liftIOToReader, "m" is "IO" and "t" is (ReaderT MyData)
In liftReaderToWriter, "m" is (ReaderT MyData IO) and "t" is (WriterT [Entry])

So how does liftIO work?

The effect of the instances of liftIO recursively expand liftIO to (lift . liftIO) to (lift . (lift . liftIO)) to (lift . (lift . (lift . liftIO))) until it reaches the IO monad, where liftIO = id.

So it builds the correct number of composed calls to lift when it is compiled. And the same things could be done with STM or (ST s), or any other base monad.

Writing that sentence made me realize I could make a liftBase function to be a superset of liftIO, liftSTM, liftST:

class (Monad m,Monad b) => MonadBase b m where
  liftBase :: b a -> m a

instance MonadBase IO IO where liftBase = id
instance MonadBase (ST s) (ST s) where liftBase = id
instance MonadBase STM STM where liftBase = id

instance (MonadBase b m,Monoid a) => MonadBase b (WriterT a m) where liftBase = 
lift . liftBase
instance (MonadBase b m) => MonadBase b (ReaderT a m) where liftBase = lift . 

And so this now works:

type MyM' s a = WriterT [String] (ReaderT Int (ST s)) a

testMyM' :: forall s. MyM' s Int
testMyM' = do
  tell ["a"]
  foo <- lift (ask)
  tell ["b"++show foo]
  liftBase (go foo)
 where go :: Int -> ST s Int
       go f = do a <- newSTRef f
                 modifySTRef a (+1)
                 readSTRef a

main2 = do
  let q = runST (runReaderT (runWriterT (testMyM')) 17 )
  print q

*Main> main2

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