Greg Buchholz wrote:
Casey Hawthorne wrote:
The Q Programming Language can do the following:

sqr X = X*X

==>sqr 5

==>sqr (X+1) (X+1)*(X+1)

Can Haskell do symbolic manipulation?

    Typeful symbolic differentiation of compiled functions

And a GADT version of differentiation:

which also does some simplifications. I have a version that I did not post that uses the hs-plugins: It can take a function like

f x = x * log x + 7 * (-x) + (2**x) - (sin x)

and compute the derivative, simplify it, emit the haskell code for it, compile it via hs-plugins, and be able to use it.

Of course, you can't INLINE a new function like that, but the performance is still very good.
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