Hi Shelarcy,

Thanks for volunteering to work on the Windows port. What I'd like to ask is this: we need someone to maintain the Windows port.

I think, in practice, that this would mean maintaining the Windows build files (which should, generally, be a fairly straightforward job) as well as building and testing updates. With reasonable coordination from all concerned, I believe that this would mean doing a rebuild aned regression test at least once a month.

You will understand that before I can take on work with wxHaskell, I need someone in place to lead each supported platform. I'm quite an active user of wxhaskell on Windows, and would probably be able to share the build file work and testing, so I think your commitment would be around 2-3 hours per month (with considerably more leading up to major releases - whichi should occur about every six months).

If you are willing, please let me know, and I'll put your name in place as Windows Maintainer. If not, I understand, and will ask you to help with testing if I am able to get a core team together.

Best regards

On 02/08/06, Jeremy O'Donoghue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

First, thanks Daan for offering to stay involved. I'd much prefer to have you working on the project in whatever capacity is possible for you - as the main architect and the person with most knowledge of the wxHaskell implementation, this will be invaluable.

Second thing, for those who are following this thread on Haskell Cafe, I think that we should move subsequent discussion to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - I will post a summary of any conclusions we reach back to Haskell Cafe for general interest.

I am going to mail those who have replied offering help off-list to try to determine the realistic level of commitment they can make to the project, with the hope that we can come up with a viable set of core contributors with well-defined responsibilities. I don't think it's fair on the individuals concerned to perform such discussions on-list as it is a big thing to ask someone to commit their time and effort freely, and public discussion can place unfair pressure on individuals.

My 'day job' involves managing software development teams and deliveries, so I'm prepared to take on this side of the project if there's general agreement. From everything I've seen and read, this is often a hard area to resource in Open Source projects (as it's not especially glamorous), as well as contributing patches and test effort on Windows and OSX.

It sounds as though we have, in principle, people prepared to look at all of the major platforms, although as yet the commitments do not extend to helping with packaging for platforms, and I see this as vitally important to the success of wxHaskell. It's currently too difficult to build for the casual user (yes, I accept that 'casual user' is probably an oxymoron in the Haskell community ;-).

Please watch this space (on wxhaskell-users) for updates.


Thanks to all who have replied

On 01/08/06, Daan Leijen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear wxHaskell users,


First of all, I apologize for not being responsive on the wxHaskell users mailing list. I recently changed jobs and countries and didn't properly take care of older email aliases.


Anyway, even though I am motivated to support wxHaskell, practice proves that the project is too large for me to do alone. It would be great if someone or a group of people feel motivated enough to take over the project and release new versions that are compatible with the latest Ghc versions. One potential challenge is to find a group of testers that are willing to help compiling wxHaskell on different target systems: Windows, MacOS X, and Unix/GTK variations.


I am happy to give volunteers administrator privileges on the sourceforge site and help out with the initial transition and building the initial new release (which is generally a lot of careful work in compiling and packaging correctly).


All the best,

-- Daan Leijen.


Ps. Include me on the reply list as I am not subscribed properly to either mailing list at the moment.


From: Simon Peyton-Jones
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 4:46 AM
To: Daan Leijen
Subject: FW: Reviving wxHaskell (was: Re: [wxhaskell-users] [Haskell-cafe] Troublecompiling wxhaskell)




Have you seen this thread? Would you care to respond to it?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jeremy O'Donoghue
Sent: 01 August 2006 09:37
Cc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Reviving wxHaskell (was: Re: [wxhaskell-users] [Haskell-cafe] Troublecompiling wxhaskell)


Hi list,

Apologies for continuing with the cross-posting, but wxhaskell-users is not exactly active.

It seems like there may be enough interest in wxHaskell to justify trying to revive the project.

At present, from what I can tell, Daan Leijen, the principal developer of wxHaskell, no longer has much interest in the project - the CVS log shows little activity for about 15 months now - and using wxHaskell with newer wxWidgets versions or on Unicode systems requires the application of various patches (for which the interested potential user must search diligently).

Ideally, it would be best Daan for to enable new CVS committers to the project (or even to hand over project administration), but if this is not an option, is there a possibility of hosting a fork on hackage.haskell.org (I think there's a benefit in hosting Haskell-specific projects in a Haskell-friendly location).

I don't have the time to nurture huge ambitions for wxHaskell, but I think it is realistic to aim for the following in the short term:

* Patches to ensure that wxHaskell compiles against latest wxWidgets versions on Mac, Linux and Windows (exists today)
* Add Eric Kow's Unicode patches (exist today)
* Produce suitable binary packages for whatever targets we can get maintainers for, compatible with up-to-date versions of both GHC and wxWidgets.
* Improve samples and documentation.

In the longer term, we could look at:

* Fixing operation with sash windows (a personal gripe ;-) - easy
* Wrapping some of the more complex widgets - easy.
* Subclassing of widgets in Haskell ( i.e. allow C++ virtual methods to be redefined in Haskell) - moderately hard
* Move from the Eiffel wxc bindings to wxC project to give better maintained interface to wxWidgets - time consuming, but easy
* Porting to other Haskell implementations (Hugs, YHC etc)

Taking on a project like this is a very significant commitment, and only makes sense if there are a number of willing contributors. I'm happy to kick this off and try to cover some of the boring 'administrative' bits, as well as contributing on documentation and smaller bug fixes, but I don't have time to save wxHaskell from permanent bit-rot. If there's enough interest, I'll push ahead with trying to organize this.


On 01/08/06, shelarcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> On 7/31/06, David F. Place < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm having trouble compiling wxhaskell 0.9.4 under both ghc 6.4.2 and
>> ghc 6.5.   Does anyone know where I should direct my queries?

If you use ghc 6,4,2 under Windows platform, you
can use my patched version of wxHaskell.

And you can get my patch from Kamiariduki's source.


I also know Eric Y. Kow's unicode patch doesn't
include db problems fix. These problems has not
only wxWidgets 2.6.x change, but also unicode

I try to fix latter case, use attached after unicode
patch, this fixes compile problem ... but it has
another problem that can't use non-ascii characters
correctly. So, if want to accesss DB by wxHaskell's
ODBC, data is garbled and cause problems.

I don't know how to fix that.

Attached is already sent wxhaskell-user's list, but
you can't get this file. So I send again.

My patch where I put Kamiariduki's project page doesn't
include unicode support that I noticed above Mailng-List's

Don't worry about this. You can use both my patch and
unicode patch, if you want. These cause conflict message
but this is not problem.

On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 08:18:27 +0900, Jason Dagit
> I've done this recently.  I put my notes on the wiki:
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/WxHaskell/Install#Windows

I don't know this problem when I made patch.
So, my patch doesn't fix this problem.

shelarcy <shelarcy     capella.freemail.ne.jp>

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