You can always load things inside ghci with:



Prelude> :m List
Prelude List> :m Control.Concurrent
Prelude Control.Concurrent> :m Control.Concurrent List
Prelude List Control.Concurrent>

George Young wrote:
[linux, ghci, hugs May 2006]

I have just started learning Haskell.  I have hugs and ghci under
linux, and I'm going through the Gentle Introduction to
Haskell<>, so far through section 4,
"case expressions and pattern matching".  I'm a python programmer, with
background in maclisp, scheme, T, C, C++, and a little J.
I'm confused about what sort of things I can type at the interpreter
prompt, and what things have to be loaded as a module.  I keep trying
to treat the prompt like a lisp or python REPL, which is obviously
wrong.  Can someone set me straight?

Is there another tutorial that might be more appropriate for me?

I am finding haskell quite appealing.  I hope to start writing real (if
small) applications to do some data analysis from our Postgres DB.  Any

--George Young

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