Benjamin Franksen wrote:
Matthias Fischmann wrote:
The trick is that Int is not the only index data type, but tuples of
index data types are, too.  Do this:

| type Point = (State, State, Int)
| type TypeV = Array State Double
| | matrix :: TypeV
| matrix = array bounds values
|    where
|    ...

Surely you meant to say

| type TypeV = Array Point Double



type Value = Double
newtype PointNat = PointNat Int deriving (...Ix)
type Point = (State,State,PointNat)

Or even

type TypeVof a = Array PointNat a
type TypeV = TypeVof Value

I did not even run the code I wrote through ghci, I was just showing what it could look like.

And stop calling me Shirley.
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