Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> I'm trying to use Parsec for a language which have identifiers where
> the '-' character is allowed only inside identifiers, not at the start
> or the end.
> identifier = do
>     start <- letter
>     rest <- many (alphaNum <|> char '-') 
>     end <- letter       
>     return ([start] ++ rest ++ [end])
>   <?> "characters authorized for identifiers"

identifier = do
        start <- letter
        rest <- many (alphaNum <|> try inner_minus)
        return $ start : rest
        inner_minus = do 
                char '-' 
                lookAhead alphaNum
                return '-'

> because the parser created by "many" is greedy: it consumes
> everything, including the final letter.

Yes, it does.  You could implement you own non-greedy many combinator,
but you get the associated inefficiency.  Or you could use ReadP, which
doesn't have this problem (but replaces it with other surprises).  

Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
        -- Steven Wright 

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