Thanks a lot. That's what I need.

On 9/8/06, J. Garrett Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've always used:

roundn n f = fromIntegral (round (f * 10 ^ n)) / 10 ^ n

I may have missed some bugs or subtleties of floating point numbers, though.


On 9/8/06, Sara Kenedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I try to find some functions in Haskell library to deal with numeric
> such that the result in the following format (but I did not find)
> For example,
> >1/3
> 0.33
> >1/6
> 0.17
> >8/3
> 2.67
> >9/3
> 3.00
> It seems a so "baby" question, but I really did not find the answer
> after trying on that for some hours.
> Thanks for any help.
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