On 23/09/2006, at 4:33 AM, Christian Sievers wrote:


I don't take my advice to go to haskell-cafe  :-)

I will take your advice :)

The discussion continued outside the mailing list, and now I have
two questions myself:

1. Why do the rules of the monomorphism restriction explicitly mention
   *simple* pattern bindings?
   Where is the difference, especially as there is a translation to
   simple pattern bindings?
   Why should

   p | "a"=="b"  = 2
     | otherwise = 3

   be treated different than

   p = if "a"=="b" then 2 else 3

They are the same (both are simple pattern bindings). The report says in section that the first can be translated into the second.

A simple pattern binding is one where the lhs is a variable only.

If a pattern binding is not simple, it must have a data constructor on the lhs, therefore it cannot be overloaded. So the (dreaded) MR only
applies to simple pattern bindings.


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