Brandon Moore wrote:
Greg Fitzgerald wrote:
Since there's talk of removal of the composition operator in Haskell-prime <>, how about this:

Instead of:
foo = f . g

you write:
foo = .g.f

A leading dot would mean, "apply all unnamed parameters to the function on the right". A trailing dot would mean, "apply the result of the left to the function on the right".
You mean "apply the function on the right to the result of the left"? Otherwise .g.f == \x -> (g x) f

Prelude> notNull = .null.not
=> [a] -> Bool
notNull [1,2,3]
=> True

=> True
=> True

I like this because it has the same perks as the composition operator, yet it looks like OO code and the data flows nicely from left to right. It reads especially well when using the bind operator on the same line.

The left-to-right flow is pretty nice. I don't like the mechanics of your leading and internal dots - I don't see any way to interpret the internal dots as an infix operator without using some fancy typeclasses, whatever the leading dot gets to do. The infix dot would have to work at types
(a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> b)
and a -> (a -> b) -> b

Instead, How about making . reverse composition, and having some other symbol for flip ($), maybe '#'. Then you get things like


Which still vaguely resemble OO operations, if you think of composing together a path of accessors first, and then indexing with it.

you can even work with mutable fields reasonably nicely,
obj#a.b.c.flip writeIORef newVal


Writing things in this left-to-right order lets you think of the starting value and make a sequence of transformations to get a result. Dangerously imperative ;)

The existing order instead calls to mind successively reducing the problem of producing desired output to simpler problems, eventually reaching a previously produced value. Wonderfully mathematical ;)
Or, think of taking the continuation of your expression, and transforming it in left-to-right steps into one prepared to accept the value you've got.

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