Hello Taral,

Monday, October 23, 2006, 1:12:38 PM, you wrote:

>> They probably are. However you get the overhead of creating the array
>> (when you don't really need O(1) random access) and every thread
>> signals the same semaphore which may lead to some congestion which
>> could slow things down.

> You do need O(1) random access for the writers to put their results in
> efficiently. And newArray_ should be faster than N copies of
> newEmptyMVar. It is true that I have one congestion point (the
> semaphone) instead of N (the mvars).

are you sure that writeArray calls may be overlapped? :) they may
change some technical fields, such as 'dirty' bit

Best regards,
 Bulat                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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