How about:

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

import Control.Arrow

type Alpha alpha = alpha -> (Integer,alpha)

test  = square . (lit 4)

lit :: Integer -> Alpha alpha
lit val stack    = (val, stack)

instance Eq (Alpha alpha) where
  x == y = uncurry (==) . (fst . x &&& fst . y) $ undefined

instance Show (Alpha alpha) where
  show x = show . fst $ x undefined

instance Num (Alpha alpha) where
        fromInteger i = (\s -> (i,s))
        (+)           = fBinary (+)
        (-)           = fBinary (-)
        (*)           = fBinary (*)
        negate        = fUnary   negate
        abs           = fUnary   abs
        signum        = fUnary   signum

fUnary  op x   = (op         .  fst          &&&  snd       ) .  x
fBinary op x y = (uncurry op . (fst *** fst) &&& (snd . fst)) . (x &&& y)

Greg Buchholz wrote:
>     Let's say we've got a little stack language, where you compute
> things by transformations of stacks, using compositions of functions
> from stacks to stacks (represented here as nested tuples). (See also
> Chris Okasaki's "Techniques for Embedding Postfix Languages in Haskell"
> cs252r/archive/chris-okasaki/ )
>   For example, the simple program below calculates the square of 4...
>> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
>> main = print $ test ()
>> test  = square . (lit 4)
>> lit :: Integer -> a -> (Integer,a)
>> lit val stack    = (val, stack)
>> dup  (a, b)      = (a, (a, b))
>> mult (a, (b, c)) = (b*a, c)
>> square = mult . dup
> let's say I find that using the function "lit" to annotation
> numeric literals ugly.  What I really want is something like...
>> test' = square . 4
> ...Seems simple enough, I'll just make an appropriate instance of Num
> and I'll be able to use fromInteger...
>> instance Eq (a -> (Integer, a)) instance Show (a -> (Integer, a)) instance Num (a -> (Integer, a)) where
>>     fromInteger = lit
> ...but now when I try it, GHC complains...
>     No instance for (Num (a -> (Integer, t)))
>       arising from the literal `4' at final.hs:15:17
>     Possible fix:
>       add an instance declaration for (Num (a -> (Integer, t)))
>     In the second argument of `(.)', namely `4'
>     In the expression: square . 4
>     In the definition of `test'': test' = square . 4
> it seems that (a -> (Integer, t)) can't be unified with (a ->
> (Integer, a)), or somesuch.  Any thoughts on how to get this to work?
> Thanks,
> Greg Buchholz
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