Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello haskell-cafe,
> afaik, there are just two good enough libs - wxHaskell and GtkHs. can
> anyone point (or write) detailed comparison of their features? i plan
> to write large GUI program in Haskell and want to select best one.
> the requirements that i can imagine at this moment is the following:
> * my main target is Windows but ability to compile the same code both
> for Windows and Linux would be a plus

with wxhaskell, you've got this one for sure.

> * the program developed is a sort of advanced file manager, so i need
> treeview, table view and tabbed view controls

this one too, I guess.

> * user likes beauty, so various bells-and-whistles are welcomed. in
> particular, it would be great to have skinnable interface

I did this in a sudoku game. I used the same schema as in the reversi
game (available at haskell.org).

> * use of resource file for all texts to make internalization easier

Last one I don't know.

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