Grady Lemoine wrote:
I use Ubuntu,
Me too, and I'm fairly happy with it.

My only complaint Haskell-wise is that GHC 6.6 hasn't made it into the
package system yet; the latest available from the package system is

6.4.2 is in the latest version (Edgy). I've tried to pester them into shipping 6.6, but they're
a bit conservative on that point.
but you could always download 6.6 and compile it yourself if

I just download the binary snapshots, that usually "just works".

Now i'm consider installation of some Linux version at my box.
Welcome aboard!
My friend offered me 3 variants: SuSe, Fedora Core 5, free variant of
RedHat (i can't remember its name, may be Ubuntu?)
CentOS, perhaps? It is usually good advice to choose whatever your friends are using, that way, it's easier to get help. If you really want to learn how Linux ticks, I'd recommend Gentoo - it's a bit more work, but the recipes are easy to follow, and you'll know a lot more
about how your system works afterwards.

We use CentOS at work, and I'm not too happy about it - too many outdated versions of too much software. Gentoo is fun and flexible, but everything takes time (it compiles everything on installation), and when I python upgrade broke my box, I decided enough was enough.

Most of my business-oriented friends seem to like SuSE, but Fedora was too unstable last time I looked (which
admittedly is some time ago).

i suspect that it is a really dumb question, and GHC will work great
just with any linux i can find :)
True. There may be some dependency issues between ghc binary snapshots and libraries
(libreadline 4 vs 5?), but it'll mostly all work.

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