Marc A. Ziegert schrieb:
Comments and suggestions welcome :-)
hi Joachim.

i have some suggestions:

use fastcgi instead of hacking an own http-server.

Ah, that's excellent. The server in question will have FastCGI installed anyway (actually fcgid, so I'll see what the incompatibilities are).

server: there are virtual linux servers out there, free to rent. some
of them are even cheaper than the power-usage of one's old pc (at
least compared to speed). if you intend to write a game for thousands
of users, who play it 24/7, then it may be comfortable to rent one. (friends of me rented one.)

I'm with a small webhosting company, so the server is there already :-)

Of course, if the game ever attracts thousands of players and CPU and RAM usage start to affect other web presences, it should move to its own dedicated server.

software upgrades:
use Read/Show classes instead of Foreign.Marshal,
and combine them with version counting data-structures:

data MyData = V1 String deriving (Show,Read)
read_v1 :: MyData -> String
data MyData = V1 String
| V2 [String] deriving (Show,Read) read_v1 :: MyData -> String
read_v2 :: MyData -> [String]
data MyData = V1 String
            | V2 [String]
| V3 [(String,Int)] deriving (Show,Read) -- obsolete: read_v1 :: MyData -> String
read_v2 :: MyData -> [String]
read_v3 :: MyData -> [(String,Int)]

I'll try that out and let everybody know how well that worked. Thanks.

i've thought about writing a browsergame in haskel, too;
but atm, i have no time for (writing) games.

I've known that feeling for quite a while :-)


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