
> Yhc has intermediate code that is substantially more Haskell like, and
> with the command:

Wow, the core looks really cool! One look and you see it all. I would
even rename the local variables to single letters like a,b,c because the
cryptic numbers are quite hard to track. This is something coreHtml can
do. Also, I'd add more color, like making punctuation marks grey, but
that's a very personal taste.

Yhc.Core is a big library of "useful things to do with Yhc Core". One
of them is:

uniqueBoundVarsWith :: [String] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr

Which replaces the free variables with a list you pick. This means
that the transformation you want is a single line:

applyBodyCore (uniqueBoundVarsWith (map (:[]) ['a'..]))

That will transform a whole Core program, giving you the variables you
requested. That's one of the things I like about Yhc.Core, it is a
very nice library to use.


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